
The Victorian Branch of the Australian Dental Association has partnered with Moneywise as its preferred provider of financial planning services to its members. We can offer you a range of competitive and flexible super solutions that specifically meet the needs of health professionals and offer a great range of investment options and personalised member services.

Moneywise is your dedicated ADAVB financial adviser. We service current and prospective members by providing strategic advice over the life of your superannuation, whether you are an employee, contractor or self-employed.

  • Features and benefits
    You can choose from a wide range of investment options, including managed funds, shares, term deposits and MySuper options.
  • Flexible insurance benefits
    Insurance provides you and your family with peace of mind. Our members have access to comprehensive insurance benefits (death only, death and total and permanent disablement, and income protection cover). Premiums are paid by your super fund.
  • Personalised service
    It’s important to know you have help when you need it. Moneywise is your dedicated, qualified financial adviser, available to all members.
  • Find out more
    For more information, contact us to make a time to review your super options.

 This information is of a general nature only and may not be relevant to your particular circumstances. The circumstances of each investor are different and you should seek advice from a trusted financial planner before making any decision.

Contact Moneywise to discover more about our services.